



Cancer Patients’ Support Group is a non-for-profit Association, with the aim of
raising funds; to enable the Group to provide support to the Cyprus Association of
Cancer Patients’ and Friends (PASYKAF) in Paphos District; with the purpose of
providing the provision of care and services for cancer patients’ and their families.


1.1 An Association is founded (hereafter called “The Association”) under the name
of “CANCER PATIENTS’ SUPPORT GROUP – PAPHOS”, with its headquarters in
1.2 The Association has an emblem with the following meaning: The Dove of
1.3 The Association has a stamp that carries the emblem of the Association, with
the name “CANCER PATIENTS’ SUPPORT GROUP – PAPHOS” and the year of
1.4 The office address of the Association is at 84 Ellados Avenue, 8020, Paphos,


2.1 The aims of the Association are:
(a) To provide the awareness and enlightenment of the public in relation to
cancer, and to give help and support for its prevention and early detection.
(b) Improving the existing ways and means of facing cancer, and providing
relief to patients, by the treatment of the disease and the rehabilitation of
2.2 The aims of the Association are achieved:
(a) With the organization of seminars, conferences, lectures, discussions and
any other relevant activities.
(b) With publications, editions, announcements, and co-operation with the
(c) With co-operation with relevant authorities, hospitals, clinics, universities,
associations, organizations, foundations of governmental, public, local or of
private nature in Cyprus, as well as in other countries.
(d) With the study, the submission of suggestions and the monitoring of legal
and other measures that affect the goals and the benefits of the Association.
The submission of reports, demands and memoranda. As well as the dispatch
of representations to the House of Representatives or other Authorities, in
relation to the above.



3.1.1 The Group shall be voluntary, non-religious, non-political and not allied to any
Trade Union.
3.1.2 Persons over 18 years of age shall be eligible for membership.
3.1.3 Application for Membership should be made on the prescribed form obtainable
from the Day Centre or the website of the Association.
3.1.4 The Board of Directors approves the application if the terms of the
constitution are satisfied.
3.1.5 A person whose application for registration is rejected may appeal for the
decision of the Board of Directors at the General Meeting.
3.1.6 The decision of the General Meeting regarding the Appeal is final.
3.1.7 Members are to inform the Secretary of any change of details to enable an up
to date record of Members to be maintained for official purposes.
3.1.8 An annual donation is welcome but not mandatory.


3.2.1 Shall be on resignation by the Member.
3.2.2. The Board of Directors can by a two-thirds majority vote to terminate
Membership due to a Members actions being in its opinion prejudicial to the
well-being of the Group and its aims.
3.2.3 The Board of Directors may remove a member of the Association:
(i) If it deems that the continued presence of this member will harm
irrevocably the good name and the respect and or the benefits of the
Association and or will hinder the aims of the Association. In this case the
Board of Directors will inform the Member but does not reach a final decision
prior to hearing their opinion.
(ii) If the Member acts diversely against the aims of the Association.
3.2.4 A Member that was deleted from the register according to section 2.3 above,
has the right to submit a written appeal within fifteen (15) days from the date
the decision of the Board of Directors was announced to them. This appeal is
to be heard at the next Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting of the
Association. The decision of the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting is
reached with a majority verdict of the members present in a secret ballot and
it is final. If the decision of the Meeting does not ratify the dismissal, the
member is to be re- instated.


3.3.1 A Group Member shall be bound to comply with these rules.
3.3.2 Shall have the right to attend Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary
Meetings and submit nominations, resolutions and to vote, and hold office in
the Group.
3.3.3 Shall participate in the activities of the Association.
3.3.4 Shall participate in Board of Directors meetings set up by the Board of
Directors for the promotion of the aims and objectives of the Association.
3.3.5 Shall keep the Secretary advised of their current address.
3.3.6 Each member shall be entitled to receive:-
a) A copy of the Constitution.
b) A copy of the Annual Report and Accounts
c) A copy of the Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.
3.3.7 Shall make every possible effort for the promotion of the aims of the
3.3.8 Maintain a high spirit in their relations and behavior towards the Association
as well as the rest of its Members.
3.3.9 Shall comply with the provisions of this Constitution and the decisions of the
General Meetings and the Board of Directors.
3.3.10 Shall participate in the activities of the Association.
3.3.11 Unless the Constitution provides otherwise, the members of the Association
have equal rights.
3.3.12 Membership status is unrepresentative and it cannot be transferred or



4.1 The Resources of the Association are:
(a) Donations from the public.
(b) Donations from Members.
(c) The Extraordinary Contributions from the Members.
(d) Income from its activities.
(e) Optional contributions, donations, inheritances, legacies, and any other
contribution by a Member or any third party, natural or legal person to the
Association. Where appropriate, the authorization of the Competent legal
(f) Interest from Bank Deposits.



5.1 The activities of the Association will be managed by the Board of Directors,
the number of members of which will be between 10 and 12 according to
what the General Meeting will decide. The Executive Officers will be the
a) A Chairperson
b) A Vice-Chairperson
c) A Secretary
d) A Treasurer
e) A Member of the Board of Directors.

5.2 Chairperson’s Duties

The Chairperson:
(a) Represents the Association judicially and extra judicially; also
represents the Association in administrative or public activities as well
as in its relations with other authorities.
(b) Presides over the meetings of the Board of Directors and ensures
together with the Secretary the implementation of its decisions.
(c) Co-signs together with the Secretary every contract of the
Association with third parties, the correspondence, the minutes of
the meetings of the Board of Directors, and all documents in
general that concerns the function of the Association.
(d) Co-signs together with the Treasurer. Issues, signs or otherwise
carries out according to the situation, payment orders, cheques, credit
titles, draft exchanges and other commercial documents, and all
receipts for money paid to the Association.
(e) Calls, in co-ordination with the Secretary, the meetings of the Board
of Directors according to the provisions of the Constitution.
(f) Presides over all Board of Directors Meetings.
(g) Has the right to be present and to preside over any Board of Directors
of the Association.

5.3. Vice-Chairperson’s Duties

The Vice-Chairperson assists the Chairperson in the execution of their
duties and replaces them when they are absent or is prevented from
exercising their duties.

5.4. Secretary’s Duties

The Secretary:
(a) Prepares, in co-ordination with the Chairperson, the agenda for the
meetings and the General Meetings of the Association.
(b) Calls, in co-ordination with the Chairman, the meetings and notifies
all the Members of the Board of Directors.



7.1 In furtherance of the Group’s activities the Board of Directors may:-
a) Raise funds, invite and receive contributions provided in so doing they do
not undertake any permanent trading activities and shall conform to the
requirements of the laws of Cyprus.

b) Make charges for any professional services to the objectives.

c) Co-opt members or non-members to the Board of Directors or Sub-
Committee to perform specific tasks. Any Sub-Committee so formed
should include one Executive Officer of the Board of Directors.

d) Arrange lectures, demonstrations, and other Social Activities.

Make guidance notes, which may be necessary for the satisfactory
management of
the Association.
Arrange events to which nonmembers may be invited at the discretion
of the
Board of Directors.
g) The Chairperson or in their absence the Vice-Chairperson shall preside
over Meetings of the Board of Directors.

h) A Member may not be nominated to the Board of Directors if there is a
conflict of interest.

7.2 At Board of Directors Meetings a quorum shall consist of at least seven
members of whom one will be an Executive Officer, and all decisions shall be
made by majority vote.

7.3 At least seven days notice shall be given for such meetings, which shall be
held at least every month, with the exclusion of August and December.

7.4 The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and will record proposers
and seconders of resolutions and decisions so arrived at. An email of the
minutes is to be sent to all members.

7.5 The Treasurer shall present a financial report as required by the Board of
Directors at each Board of Directors Meeting.

A member of the Board of Directors is not entitled to participate in the
discussion or voting, if the decision to be taken concerns the performance of a

legal action or the issue or te
rmination of a lawsuit between the association
and that member or the spouse of that member or relative by blood or that

member or relative by marriage of that member up to the third degree, or

involves the performance of a legal action between the ass
ociation and a
company, whether personal or by capital, in which that member or the spouse

of that member or a relative by blood or relative by marriage of that member

up to the third degree, is involved in its administration.

In the event that a member of the Board of Directors is convicted of a criminal
offense involving a lack of honesty or
moral disgrace, the Registrar shall, at
the request of any member or of his o
wn motion, invite the competent
institution to take the necessary steps to repl
ace that member of the Board of
in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the

7.8 The Board of Directors of the association is obliged, after the voting of any
amendment of the Constitution, to submit to the Registrar without undue
delay and in any case not later than thirty (30) days from the date of the
voting of the amendment, a written application for the registration of the
amendment to the Registry.

7.9.1 Within the first quarter of each year, the board of directors or the secretary of
a registered association shall be obliged to notify in writing to the Registrar-

(a) Numerically, any deletions of members and new member registrations
made during the previous year

(b) in the event of changes, the current members of the board of the directors
of the association, with their respective offices and contact details; and

(c) whether the minimum number of annual general meetings specified in the
Constitution was held in the previous year.

7.9.2 In the event of a change in the registered office address of the association
and/or contact details of the association, the board of directors or its secretary
shall disclose the new address and/or the new contact details as soon as the
change occurs.

7.10.1 The members of the board of directors of the association are required to keep
accounting records recording all the transactions of all the transactions of the
association and to draw up the following accounts at the end of each financial

(a) Gross income account of the association during the financial year;

(b) an account of its credit balance at the beginning of the financial year and
all the money received on its behalf during the financial year;

(c) an account of all monies owed by the association or owed to the
association and of payments made during the same financial year.

7.10.2 The association’s accounts shall be audited by an approved auditor at the
association’s own expense:

Provided that, when the association has an annual revenue that does not
exceed forty thousand Euros (€ 40,000), it will not be necessary to prepare
accounts audited by an approved auditor.

7.10.3 The members of the Board of Directors of the Association have the obligation
to transmit to the Registrar, no later than seven (7) months after the end of
the financial year, the accounts and the relevant report of the approved
auditor as provided for in paragraphs 7.10.1 and 7.10 .2, respectively.

7.10.4 After the performance of an Annual General Meeting, the Registrar must be
informed of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting, and to be supplied
with a copy of the names of the Members present, with their signatures (to
prove that they were present), which will be marked as CONFIDENTIAL, and
to be supplied with a copy of the old Constitution, and the new one, if



8.1 The Group shall hold its Annual General Meeting at such place and time as
determined by the Board of Directors but within three months of the end of
the Financial Year. The Annual General Meeting will be held and conducted
one time every year.

8.2 Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given at least 28 days before
such a meeting.

8.3 The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:-

a) To receive and if approved adopt the Minutes of the previous
Annual General Meeting with the Reports of the Chairperson and

the Treasurer.

b) To elect by a poll of members by Ballot; the Executive Officers

and Members of the Board of Directors from previous nominations for a
period of one year in compliance with Section 5 hereof.

8.4 To consider any alterations to the rules presented by the Board of Directors.
Such alterations to accompany the prescribed notice of the annual general

8.5 To elect an Honorary Auditor who is not a Member of the Group.

8.6 To consider any business raised by Members of the Group.

8.7 There shall be no proxy voting.

8.8 A quorum shall consist of 20% of the current Membership.

8.9 Any amendments to the Constitution must be submitted to the Registrar
within thirty days of the AGM. This must be supported by a covering letter,
with the minutes, and the number of Members present.



9.1 The Chairperson, may at any time, on giving 28 days notice convene an
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), and shall do so no later than 28 days
from a written request by two thirds of the Board of Directors or 10% of the

9.2 Notice of such a meeting must specify the reasons for which it is called. No
other business will be discussed at such a meeting.



10.1 The Group’s funds shall be paid into an account in the Group’s name at a
branch in Paphos of a
bank nominated by the Board of Directors.
10.2 The Bank account will be operated by the Treasurer and two Board of
Directors members as signatories to the mandate. Any two from these three
persons will be authorised to sign cheques. The Treasurer or their nominee
shall hold a cash float of no more than Euro 100 to cover day-to-day expenses.

10.3 Accurate accounts shall be kept of the ordinary and extraordinary resources of
the Association.

10.4 The Treasurer is to submit the accounts to our auditor at the end of the fiscal
year, this is to be presented to the Members at the yearly AGM. The accounts
of the Association will be audited at least once a year. The accounts are to be
submitted, along with an auditor’s report to the Registrar no later than seven
months after the end of the fiscal year.

10.5 The financial resources and the property of the Association, in general may be
disposed of only if it achieves of the aims this Constitution.

10.6 The financial year of the Group will begin on the 01/01 of each year and will
end on the 31/12.



11.1 The Secretary shall maintain a current database of Members personal details.
They are to be responsible for the protection of Members personal data. This
data is not to be given to third parties without the express permission of the



12.1 In the event of any Member being involved in an incident of inappropriate
behavior, of any kind. In the first instance, it should be reported to the
Chairperson who is to investigate the incident, and if necessary, a Member
may be asked to resign in line with Article 3.2.2. If the incident is of a more
serious nature it is to be reported to the relevant authority.

12.2 In the event of a Member of the Executive being convicted of a criminal
offence involving a lack of honesty or of moral
judgement a Member may
request an EGM to replace that M



13.1 Late submission of all relevant information to the Registrar will constitute a
breach of the law, and may therefore impose a fine, not exceeding Euro 100.



14.1 Amendments to the provisions of the Constitution may only take place at an
Annual General Meeting during which at least half of the registered members
are present, and after a decision is reached with a majority of over fifty
percent of the members present .
14.2 The proceedings for a Extraordinary General Meeting for the amendment of
the provisions of the Constitution are the same as those of a Annual General



15.1. Voting is carried out by a show of hands and decisions are taken with the
majority of the present members, except in cases that this Constitution
provides differently. In case of an equal vote, the Chairperson has the
deciding vote.
15.2. Secret voting may be carried out when this is requested by one third of the
present members, as well as in the following cases:
(a) Change of name of the Association.
(b) Dissolution of the Association.



16.1 The Chairperson is responsible for the judicial and extra-judicial representation
of the Association. If the Chairperson is absent from their duties, the Vice-
Chairperson is responsible for the judicial and extra-judicial representation of
the Association. If the Vice-chairperson is absent from their duties, the
Secretary is responsible for the judicial and extra-judicial representation of the
16.2 The actions of the Board of Directors Members of the Association are binding
on the Association if they are decided within their competence, and during the
term of their mandate.



17.1 For any matter not provided for in the Constitution, as well as for any matter
in respect of which there is ambiguity, the provisions of the Unions and Foundations
and Other Related Issues Law of 2017 (Law 104 (I) / 2017 ) and the Amending Law
of 2018 (Law 76 (I) / 2018) will apply.



18.1 The Group may be dissolved:
(a) If the number of members drops below 20.
(b) If a resolution in this respect is passed at a meeting called for this specific
purpose under the following provisions:-
i) The meeting shall be convened by giving 28 days notice to all Members.
ii) The quorum shall be 66% of the Members.
iii) The resolution shall be by secret ballot and to be passed by a two –
thirds majority.
iv) The Board of Directors shall liquidate such assets, pay all debts and
pay any surplus funds to the Cyprus Association of Cancer Patients and
Friends (PASYKAF) – if still existing; otherwise to another Cancer
Charity. In no circumstances are the funds to be distributed among the


The official EMBLEM of the Association is as presented below:

Date: 22/03/2019